Tuesday, March 4, 2008

One Atheist's View of Right and Wrong

Yes, I do believe in right and wrong, but I don't think that there are actions that are intrinsically morally right or morally wrong, because I don't believe there is any absolute way to measure intrinsic rightness or wrongness.

This certainly does not mean I believe in full moral relativism (or even slight moral ralativism!) I believe we all have to have firm standards of morality, but it is up to us to work them out, based on feelings and discussion with others in society.

This tends to work out, and, I believe, with good reason. We have an evolved "moral sense" (which I can go into in more detail).

I would like, if you don't mind, to ask a related question, which is how a Christian thinks that either God, or a belief in God, provides standards of morality (other than the idea of reward and punishment)?

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